Project Locations
BCWD has received a 2014 Clean Water Fund in the amount of $57,000 to improve the water quality to Long Lake, a recreational lake in Stillwater that has been listed as impaired for excess nutrients. BCWD identified two neighborhoods that drain untreated stormwater directly to Long Lake. By working with targeted residential landowners in the high priority neighborhoods, BCWD installed five best management practices (curb cut rain gardens) to get big results with small projects put in great locations!
How does the project help Brown's Creek?
The raingardens will allow:
- more rain to soak into the ground rather than run across our streets and yards into Long Lake (2.3 acre-feet of nutrient-rich stormwater techy language), and
- 1.3 tons of dirt (total suspended techy language) kept out of Long Lake,
- 6 pounds of algae growing nutrients (total phosphorus) removed from Long Lake per year (that's a big deal when you remember that 1 pound of phosphorous can grow about 300 pounds of algae per year!)
The projects were constructed in 2016 and planted in the summer of 2017. The BCWD will be maintaining these areas for two years and then the landowners have agreed to take over.
We can't reach our water quality goals without all of you who live in the watershed!!
Construction Photos