General Permitting Info

The District adopted its Rules and Regulations as required by Minnesota Statue to conserve the natural resources of the State and Watershed. The Rules reflect our intent to minimize and mitigate for the cumulative impacts of both small to large land disturbing activities that could result in the degradation of the Watershed’s lakes, streams, wetlands, and natural resources. Our permitting standards include requirements for stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, buffers for water resources, shoreline alterations, water crossings, and flood control.

Permit Rules and Application

The permit rules and application are for all projects.  Based on the proposed project, utilize the rules to determine which rules are triggered, the standard, and required submittals.

Staff are available for a free pre-application meeting (typically virtually) to discuss your proposed project early in your process to help you determine what rules are triggered, what submittals will be required, and the amount of the permit fee. Contact to set up a pre-application meeting.

Why are Permits Required?

  • Protect the water resources for all current and future users
  • Reduce the severity and frequency of flooding
  • Preserve floodplain and wetland storage capacity
  • Improve the chemical and physical quality of surface water
  • Reduce sediment build-up to preserve the flow of lakes and streams
  • Minimize public expenditures to correct damage in the future
  • Preserve natural shoreline and habitat for aquatic life

What is the Permit Process?

  • Pre-application meeting with staff to determine applicable rules - highly recommended
  • Submittal (signed application, fees, all required submittals)
  • BCWD Staff completeness determination - 15 business days max
  • BCWD Staff review - 60 days max from time of complete submittal
  • Decision
    • Denied if permit does not meet rules
    • Approved - permit will be issued
    • Conditional Approval* - permit will be issued once conditions have been met.  *most common 
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