Unique Species
Given its designation as a cold-water fishery, Brown’s Creek has been actively managed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as a trout stream and a significant amount of attention has been given to the trout population of the creek. In addition to the trout, the Browns Creek corridor is extremely unique: in addition to supporting a cold water fishery full of fish, frogs, turtles and macroinvertebrates, the steep topography, geologic setting and high quality vegetation supports a variety of birds including rare species such as the Louisiana Waterthrush.
Many of the BCWD’s surface water resources support unique species. For example, rare orchids have been found in the District and Snailseed Pondweed (Potamogeton bicupulatus), an endangered aquatic plant, was found in a District lake during a macrophyte survey conducted in 2014. The presence of these rare species is an indication of the watershed’s health and should be protected in the future. Environmental stressors such as invasive species and land use conversion threaten terrestrial and aquatic habitat resources.
Pollinator Pledge
The Brown’s Creek Watershed District joined with others on May 13, 2015 by taking the Pollinator Pledge to participate in an effort to improve pollinator habitat throughout the St. Croix River Watershed.