Citizens Advisory Committee

CAC Vision Statement

To assist the watershed district managers with public outreach and education to engage residents with the watershed district and to promote behaviors that protect and improve habitat and our natural resources. To review and provide feedback to the managers on budgets, programs, and projects.


CAC Members and Community

The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) is made up of a cross-section of residents from throughout the district to help support the mission and goals of the district. The CAC assists in developing programs and activities that help improve and protect the water resources of the district. The CAC also provides input on reports, budgets, activities, programs, and projects from the local perspective of the district’s citizens.


Join the CAC

If you are interested in watershed issues and want to get involved in the watershed community, share what you have to offer as a Citizens Advisory Committee member.

Current CAC members run "Open Yard" outreach events May - September, help run a community event in September, monitor restoration progress on a BCWD conservation property, and provide public input to the BCWD board. Join us on these activities or help start up a new mutually beneficial initiative!

Want to learn more?

Apply Now!

Fill out the application and email it to Hannah Peterson at [email protected] to be considered for Board approval.

CAC Event at Millbrook - 20230621_184838
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